Not sure what I would do without a good soak every once in awhile. Going with the Flow will share with you my adventures to many, many hot springs around the southwest. While I don't know if I hold any record and it doesn't really matter. All I know is that a warm bath does wonders for the body and soul.
Cares seem to melt away, aches and pains disappear. A calm comes over me that ensures my mind that I'm able to keep moving forward. Life is kinda jumpy right now. It always has been. But, at this particular time and space, life is especially chaotic. Twirling toward the Milky Way is not about standing still. If anything, it is about moving at warp speed. A warm soak slows us down a little. In order to gain perspective and clarity about the next step in our lives.
I invite you to follow me to the pleasure of soaking in hot springs and surrounding yourself with some beautiful country.